A Mother’s Love: 8 Steps to Take After Giving Birth

The process of undergoing postnatal care in Singapore starts after childbirth and ends when your body is nearly back to its pre-pregnancy state. Typically, this process takes 6 to 8 weeks to progress to its completion.
You will experience plenty of emotional and physical changes during the process. At the same time, you’re learning how to adjust to your new role as a mother. During the postpartum period, you and your partner will also learn how to care for your newborn and form a new family.
To regain your strength, you must consider the following steps for postnatal care in Singapore to take care of yourself. During the first few weeks, you will need an ample amount of rest, good nutrition, and assistance from a nurse or loved one.
Focus on nutrition
During pregnancy, your body will go through plenty of changes. You’ll require a safe space for recovery, and you’ll need to eat a healthy diet and get enough rest to stay in good spirits.
The weight gained during pregnancy aids in the formation of reserves for your recovery and breastfeeding. You must eat a healthy and balanced diet after delivery to be active and capable of caring for your baby. It can help you gradually rid yourself of body fat on your postpartum belly.
Most breastfeeding specialists advise that you eat once you are hungry. However, most mothers may be too exhausted or preoccupied to remember to eat. As a result, it’s critical to prepare quick and healthy food.
Exercise regularly
If your doctor gives the clearance for physical activities, start exercising as soon as possible to help restore your pre-pregnancy body. Regular exercise boosts energy levels and alleviates constipation. Start at a slow pace and gradually build up your endurance. Many people enjoy going for a walk or swimming as a stepping stone to start working out regularly. Doctors also recommend diastasis recti exercises.
Know that incontinence is normal
As your body regresses to its pre-pregnancy state, incontinence will slowly vanish. Kegel exercises, which strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can be used to speed up the process. Assume you’re trying to stop peeing so you can find the correct muscles to help you with this. As your doctor checks to make sure you’re doing it correctly, squeeze those muscles for a few seconds and relax. Protect yourself by using a sanitary pad and inform your doctor if you experience incontinence. Furthermore,urinary incontinence is curable in Singapore; for the convenience of new mothers from around the country.
Learn to cope with changes in your overall physique
Physical changes will occur after childbirth in addition to emotional changes. Be patient, as losing weight does not happen instantly. Start with a few minutes of moderate exercise each day and incrementally extend the period and intensity of your workouts once your doctor gives you clearance. Go for a walk, swim, or enrol in a yoga class to burn some fat on your postpartum belly.
Eating nutritious meals that include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you lose weight. Don’t compare your weight loss efforts to those of other new mothers because everyone loses weight at varying rates. Breast-feeding tends to increase your daily calorie burn, which can help you return to your pre-pregnancy weight more quickly. Talk to your doctor if you have any issues or queries about the changes in your body during the postnatal period.
Prepare for vaginal bleeding and discharge
Even if you had a C-section, you are likely to experience vaginal bleeding and discharge after childbirth. It is your body’s natural way of getting rid of the excess blood and tissue used to grow and help sustain your child inside the womb. It will be heavier at first but lightens up as it gets off. After delivery, light bleeding could last up to six weeks. During the divarication of recti, you must only use sanitary napkins. Tampon use can spread bacteria and cause infection.
Expect mood swings
Childbirth brings up a slew of strong emotions. Many new mothers go through a period of depression or anxiety known as the baby blues. Mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping are all symptoms. The baby blues usually go away after two weeks. Take care of yourself in the meantime. Share your feelings and seek assistance from your partner, loved ones, or friends.
You might have postpartum depression if you have extreme mood swings, appetite loss, immense fatigue, and a sudden loss of joy in life soon after giving birth. Consult your physician if you believe you may be depressed, especially if your clinical symptoms persist. If you’re having difficulty caring for your baby or accomplishing everyday chores, or you’re considering harming yourself or your baby, go to the nearest hospital for help.
Don’t undervalue the importance of social support
Motherhood can leave you feeling isolated and exhausted. Your partner should be equally involved in your postnatal care in Singapore, but they may not be able to do everything. Consider reaching out to family and friends, as well as joining a local parent group. If you have the funds, you can hire postpartum midwives and other professionals. Mothers do not have to wait until their child is born to seek assistance. If possible, seek assistance in the months preceding your due date. When you get home from the hospital, you’ll have one less thing to worry about.
Do not insert anything inside the vagina
The amount of blood you lose during postnatal care in Singapore might surprise you. This is because the way you gave birth and how long you were in labour and delivery can affect how much blood is lost. It’s also possible that you’ll start to feel like yourself again and wonder when you can do things like have sex and use tampons again. Regardless of how you feel, you should not put anything into your vaginal area until your doctor has cleared you. This usually happens around your 6-week postnatal recovery stage.
Visit Orchard Clinic today to see what they can offer you while you endure the natural hardships of motherhood. They provide services to help you with your postpartum belly.