How to Provide First Aid for a Fracture

Open fractures are characterized by the presence of a wound in the area of the fracture, and closed ones – the absence of a violation of the integrity of the integument. Erste-Hilfe Kurs München guides you through the subsequent actions while giving first aid in such a case.
- Signs: severe pain, deformation and impaired motor function of the limb, shortening of the limb, a kind of bone crunch.
- With fractures of the skull: nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, slowing of the pulse – signs of concussion of the brain, bleeding from the nose and ears.
- Pelvic fractures are always accompanied by significant blood loss and, in 30% of cases, the development of traumatic shock.
Sanitätsdienst münchen advices on the first aid: ensure the immobility of bone fragments (transport immobilization) of the injured limb with splints or sticks, planks, etc. available at hand. If there are no items for immobilization at hand, strap the injured arm to the body, the injured leg to the healthy one. In the event of a spinal fracture, transport the victim on a shield.
Types of fractures
Sanitätsdienst subdivides mixed types of injuries: fracture + dislocation, incomplete dislocation, chronic dislocation, etc. Entrust the diagnosis and treatment (including reduction) to a traumatologist. Only in films do they show that by pulling a person’s hand, you can set the head of the humerus in place. You are more likely to make the injury worse.
Sanitätsdienst bei veranstaltungen is certainly a piece of safety for all parents of small children. Even with seniors, knowing about life-saving measures is certainly not wrong. You often fall and faint, then a caregiver needs to know what to do. Even on the road and on the move, people can get into an emergency, so it’s nice when you can help!