Marijuana as a Substance and Its Addictive Nature as per Skyward Treatment

Marijuana as a Substance and Its Addictive Nature as per Skyward Treatment

Marijuana Abuse

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, stimulates the brain’s production of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine’s function in the brain’s reward system accounts for the euphoria experienced when “high” on marijuana. Additionally, it tells the brain’s reward regions to save the experience for later use.

If a person is exposed to THC at high enough amounts regularly, they may develop a dependence on marijuana. Youngsters are more vulnerable to the detrimental effects of marijuana. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, there is a four to seven times greater chance of being addicted if you start smoking marijuana before age of 18 than if you start later in life. The probability of developing a marijuana addiction past that stage of life is relatively minimal.

“Abuse” and “dependence” are not similar. Cannabis addiction causes withdrawal symptoms and a large increase in mental and physical tolerance, which are all signs of dependency.

Not all cannabis users are addicted to the substance. Failure to fulfill obligations, a decline in working memory, an increase in distractibility, a rise in body mass index, the emergence of psychological conditions like anxiety and stress, and a general lack of psyche are all effects of excessive use and addiction to marijuana.

Addiction to Marijuana Is a Serious Issue

While it is undeniable that some people can get addicted to cannabis (or marijuana), it is also possible for other persons to become dependent on the substance without ever being addicted to it. According to the American Institute on Drug Abuse, there is considerable disagreement about the number of people who are dependent on marijuana. This is partly because, notwithstanding the fact that it is feasible to be dependent without being addicted, “dependence” is often employed as a proxy for assessing addiction in epidemiological studies of drug use.

In conclusion, it’s critical to understand the risk of addiction while consuming marijuana, be it for recreational or medicinal reasons. Cannabis use disorder, often known as marijuana use disorder, is characterized by persistent marijuana use despite negative effects.

How Marijuana Affects the Mind.

THC, the active element in marijuana, binds and activates cannabinoid receptors, crucial brain proteins responsible for memory, learning, and reward processing. Additionally, it encourages the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter connected to pleasure and reward, in the brain.

If they started taking the substance while they were still teenagers, chronic marijuana users experienced an average IQ drop of eight points by the time they are in their forties. Teenagers’ growing brains can suffer harmful effects from this form of contact and activation with brain proteins. Adults who give up marijuana late do not restore their lost IQ points.

Seek A Reputable Marijuana Addiction Therapy in Dallas

Whether you believe marijuana is cool or not, research has proven that it is highly addictive. Each year, more than 200,000 people who have a marijuana addiction seek help from centers like Skyward Treatment Center. Many of these people had been trying to quit for years, sometimes decades on their own, before entering these center’s inpatient treatment programs. Regardless of how frequently you use it, we encourage you to stop and gauge if it’s becoming a problem. At Skyward Center, our addiction treatment plan blends cognitive behavioral therapies with holistic health practices and a tailored action plan.

John Ewers