Signs that You Need a Root Canal

A root canal is an ideal way to get rid of dental cavities. How do you know if you really need a root canal treatment or not? There are certain symptoms that clearly reflect the need to get an RCT. Here, we are going to highlight common signs suggested by a dentist in Plymouth, MN. This shows that it is time to get a root canal treatment. Here we go!
Signs to get root canal treatment
1. Chipped or cracked tooth
Eating tough meals, playing contact sports, or having failed dental operations can all cause your teeth to chip or crack. An infection may result from a tooth crack or chip that exposes the nerves beneath the tooth’s surface. A tooth root infection has the potential to spread throughout the circulation. In order to stop the infection from spreading and from becoming worse, a root canal is necessary.
2. Sensitivity to cold and heat
Tooth sensitivity is a common sign of getting a root canal treatment. If you feel sensitivity while drinking hot or cold beverages, do not neglect it. A mild aching that develops into a sudden, excruciating agony is possible. In addition to being extremely painful, cold meals and beverages can exacerbate dental infections. Damaged blood vessels and nerve endings may be the cause of your toothache when you eat ice and refrain from crunching on one side of your mouth.
3. Swollen gums
Gum swelling is a common sign to get a root canal treatment. Suppose you have swollen gums and have bumps on them, it’s time to visit your dentist for a quick examination. If the swelling does not subside with time, root canal treatment is suggested.
4. Tooth discoloration
Discolored or stained teeth occur due to exposure to drinks like tea and coffee as these stain your enamel. When blood vessels and nerves occur, your dental expert will schedule an appointment for RCT to remove the damaged root.
5. Deep decay
If the tooth decay has settled down within your teeth, a dental routine, including brushing and flossing, cannot solve the problem. If left untreated, it will spread within the tooth root and nerves. In this case, your dentist will suggest a root canal treatment.
Wrapping Up
If you are regularly experiencing pain in your mouth and gums, you must go for a root canal treatment.