Hot Flashes—Not Just A Symptom During Menopause

Hot flashes usually occur during menopause but can also have other causes. They are experienced as an intense feeling of warmth that can accompany sweats and palpitations, and last for several minutes. Depending on the cause, various treatment options are available.
What Are Hot Flashes?
First, hot flashes are not a disease, but a symptom that can manifest itself as a result of illness, hormonal changes, or environmental reactions. Hot flashes are common, especially in menopause: around 80 percent of menopausal women suffer from hot flashes for one year, and a quarter even for more than five years. Those affected suffer from recurrent heat sensations throughout the body, sometimes in conjunction with sweating, which can seriously affect the quality of life.
What Is The Cause Of Hot Flashes?
The hot flashes during menopause, the cause are mostly hormonal changes. Due to the falling estrogen level, the temperature regulation of the body is disturbed. With estrogen deficiency, the small, directly under the skin vessels expand, and the skin is better supplied with blood, which is perceived as a feeling of warmth and visible as redness of the skin. The exact mechanism, i.e. how the hormone change is related to the hot flashes, is still unclear.
If younger women under the age of 45 suffer from hot flashes, menopause is rarely the only cause for menopause. Here, heat spurts can be caused by a hormonal disorder. It is recommended to have this checked by a doctor.
What Measures Help With Hot Flashes?
First of all, it is recommended to dress accordingly. Anyone who dresses according to the so-called “onion principle,” i.e. wears several layers of clothing on top of each other, can put off clothes in the course of a hot flash and thus facilitate the heat release of the body. After the heatstroke has subsided, it can then be put on again to avoid cold.
It is also advisable to use clothing and bedding made of natural fibers such as cotton, wool or silk, as this is more breathable than polyester or nylon garments.
To reduce the occurrence of hot flashes, it is advisable to avoid typical triggers such as spicy foods, caffeine or alcoholic drinks, and hard-to-digest foods. Yoga or meditation relaxation techniques can counteract stress as a common cause. Preventive also works to reduce overweight and regular exercise in the fresh air.
Finally, it can be remedied by using drugs like Hot Flash Relief, which has over lots of great reviews and seller feedback. It’s rare to find a medication which works for hot flashes, but this medication is very effective.