Postpartum Hair Loss and How to Deal With It

During pregnancy, the hormonal changes are immense. A woman’s body goes through several changes during pregnancy and even after she gives birth. These changes are sometimes positive but some changes may also have repercussions such as weight gain, skin changes and most common hair loss.
Even after the delivery, several hormone levels of the woman drop quickly, including progesterone and estrogens. These hormones bounce back to normal levels within 24 hours after birth, but prolactin stays high as long as the mother is breastfeeding.
Hormones are the biggest cause of postpartum hair loss. Even during pregnancy, the high levels of estrogens lower the extent of hair loss. Normally, the hair falls out in small amounts daily and during pregnancy, the hair loss decreases to some level. This is due to increased blood circulation, which also helps your hair fall less than normal.
Postpartum hair loss can start any day after the baby arrives. It usually starts around the 4-month mark, so if your baby is a few months old and you are having severe hair fall then there is no need to panic.
Haircare Tips to try
It is completely normal for your hair to thin out after pregnancy. But if your hair loss is bothering you, there are some treatments and tips you can do to combat hair loss and make your hair appear healthier.
- Take your postnatal vitamins
Vitamins should not be a substitute for a healthy diet, especially when you are going through pregnancy or have given birth recently. But the prenatal and postnatal vitamins may help as a supplement if you are not taking a healthy diet. You can get quality multivitamins from It is recommended to continue your prenatal vitamins even after the baby is born, especially if you are breastfeeding the baby as your body needs more nutrition during this phase.
- Skip the styling
Using a hairdryer or curling iron may make the hair look thinner. Hair loses its volume if heat is applied to it. Try to reduce fancy styling and always let your hair air-dry after a shower. Brushing hair too hard can cause the hair to fall out more, so be gentle while brushing and use a wooden comb instead of a plastic or steel one.
- Eat well
Consume a variety of vegetables, fruits, and healthy proteins in your diet as it is the best way to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients. Foods that help improve hair health include dark leafy greens, carrots and sweet potatoes, eggs and fish. If you don’t feel like eating all these food groups, try to mix and match the ingredients. Create your salads and cooking recipes but don’t skip out on these foods.
- Use a volumizing shampoo
Conditioning shampoos weigh your hair down and make it look limper and thinner. There are volumizing shampoos that add volume to your hair and help you maintain a healthy lustrous look.