The Finer Matters in Breast Implant

Physiological saline is a liquid made up of water and sodium chloride (therefore salt water) and is inserted into the empty breast implant using a small hermetic valve. Frequently used in the 90s, it nevertheless has many faults: an unnatural feel due to the liquid used and the risk of leakage over time due to wear. In this case, the liquid simply spreads throughout the body, without risks to the health of the person, but with visually obvious consequences due to the “deflation” of the prosthesis. This is the reason why they are almost no longer used today, especially since their lifespan is shorter than silicone gel (7-8 years).
Barring exceptions, silicone gel is the best option today, and it is the one that will most likely be offered to you automatically.
After Operation
Wearing a post-operative bra is essential after breast augmentation or reconstruction since it will promote the success of the operation while reducing pain. The Embody team has thought about bras specially designed for breast surgery that are both practical and comfortable, but also more aesthetic to stay feminine in all circumstances. Make a visit to for the smartest details.
What envelope should you choose for your breast prosthesis?
Even if it is an extremely common operation, the prosthesis remains a foreign body and there is always a risk that the body will not accept it well. This is why the choice of the envelope is important, as well as to guarantee the durability of the result over time. Again, the choice of the envelope will be mainly based on other factors such as the shape of the breast implant, your morphology or medical history.
- Polyurethane foam proves reliable in the long term and very effectively prevents the risks of rotation of the prosthesis inside the breast or the formation of a shell (the shell is a fibrous membrane that the body sometimes makes around the implant. by rejection and which makes the chest harder to the touch and less natural to the eye). They are also effective in case of ptosis but on the other hand often more expensive, and the operation is a little more complex because of their adhesion to tissues.
The silicone elastomer is also widely used and is better suited for large volumes. Smooth envelopes are becoming much less used now because the risks of rotation or shell formation were real. Today we prefer a rough, or textured, envelope that promotes adhesion to breast tissue and limits the risk of capsular contraction (ie shell) or rotation. It is frequently used in thin patients to avoid the appearance of folds.
In conclusion, a polyurethane or microtextured silicone envelope is very suitable for an anatomical shape since the risk of rotation is reduced. Polyurethane is on the other hand less indicated with a round shape, except in the case of the formation of a shell previously.
Which implant size is best suited?
It is obviously a personal choice above all and there is no better alternative than another in absolute terms. We all have a personal idea of the ideal breast, and what is more question of choosing an implant only according to its size! It is indeed a set of factors, which will determine the size of prosthesis that suits you best, and which will allow you to get as close as possible to your initial wish. It is especially during this stage that the advice of your surgeon will be essential.