The Right Values for the Perfect Surgery Option for Fat Loss

When you are severely overweight and you want to lose several tens of pounds, it is possible to resort to obesity surgery, which consists of reducing the size of the stomach. There are 3 interventions, which require medical monitoring: the sleeve, the bypass and the placement of a gastric band.
When surgery helps lose weight
Losing weight can be done in different ways: through sport, diet, rebalancing food, etc. But when these means have not worked, we can then have recourse to surgery, which makes it possible to durably reduce the weight and helps not to regain it. These surgical operations, which are 3 in number, can allow you to lose up to 50 kilos gradually, and are generally intended for adults with sufficient bone mass. The patient should not have a contraindication to surgery, and have a high BMI, that is to say being in an obesity situation, which justifies the intervention. The choice of operation is made according to each patient, in agreement with the medical profession. In case of fat grafting london service you need to be specific.
The sleeve or gastrectomy, when you remove part of the stomach
Gastrectomy, also called sleeve, is a restrictive technique which involves removing part of the stomach, and more precisely two-thirds, to form a tube. Food will then be sent more quickly to the small intestine. This surgical intervention is intended for patients in a situation of morbid obesity, that is to say with overweight which affects their physical health and their quality of life on a daily basis. In fact, it is an operation recommended by the medical profession. This operation decreases the patient’s appetite and therefore helps him to eat less everyday. The results are visible after several months. This is the most common and drastic operation, which reduces the stomach to a volume of about 20ml, and also helps reduce the feeling of hunger. Side effects can be transit problems (constipation), or gastric reflux.
The bypass, the intervention that reduces the size of the stomach
The gastric bypass or short circuit is both a restrictive and malabsorvative operation, which consists in reducing the size of the stomach (approximately 100 ml) by modifying the usual alimentary circuit, as well as disturbing the absorption of food. It is the second surgical operation to lose weight after the sleeve. In case of the best plastic surgeon in london this is important now.
After the operation, food no longer passes through the digestive tract but goes directly into the small intestine, which in fact reduces the size of the stomach, which shrinks. Very sweet foods are less easily digested and cause a feeling of nausea when ingested, and consumption therefore drops drastically. For their part, fats are also less digested, which allows the patient to assimilate them less and therefore lose weight, especially when this intervention is associated with a sports practice. Finally, the bypass reduces appetite by lowering the level of ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone.
The gastric band, to change the shape of the stomach
The placement of a gastric band, which is a restrictive surgical technique just like the sleeve, makes it possible to modify the physiology of the stomach: it will “compress” it in its center to transform it into an hourglass.