What Are the Key Factors that Affect Indoor Air Quality?

Air pollution is hazardous to your health. It affects both animals and humans. The fact is, air pollution is not limited to the outdoors alone, it affects the indoor environment.
The quality of air in your home is also very important. When you are exposed to poor-quality air indoors, you may develop a few minor symptoms – such as skin irritation, fatigue, and headache. It may also cause some serious health issues – such as cancer, heart disease, and respiratory illness.
4 Things That Influence Indoor Air Quality
To determine if the air in your area is good you may need a professional air analysis for a proper test. Several factors affect indoor air quality. Here are four of them.
You need to remove dust in your home often. Dust effects affect your Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) over time. There can be different items in the dust – you will hair, clothing fibers, pollen, dead skin cells, and dirt particles. Remember dust is harmful to individuals with asthma and allergies.
Also, microfiber cloths can be used for trapping dust instead using feather dusters. Add this to your regular dusting routine.
It’s also important to always vacuum rugs, carpets, furniture, and baseboards. Remember that an air cleaner will allow the air to circulate via a fine mesh. This traps the particles. Another vital practice is to plan duct cleanings annually. It helps remove the buildup of airborne particles.
Volatile Organic Compounds
VOCs (Volatile organic compounds) from different stuff from household items will add to poor indoor air quality, especially from new pair and flooring. You can’t eliminate volatile organic compounds from your home. But when they are too much, some health issues may eventually occur – like nausea allergies, and fatigue.
Buying products that are free from volatile organic compounds is a good way to keep you and your family safe from these compounds. It’s also important to have proper ventilation, especially if you will be using items that release these hazardous contaminants.
If you can, only use adhesives and paints outside. Also, seal up items that emit volatile organic compounds. You may store these items in external storage closets, a tool shed, or a garage.
Poor ventilation
Good ventilation in homes over good indoor air quality. If the ventilation in your home is poor, you will be exposed to air pollution, which will also recirculate across your house. Dust buildup and pollen are also from a home that’s poorly ventilated. These result in health issues such as allergies.
If you can, you may open your doors and windows occasionally for fresh air to flow into your home. This is essential. Installing a new ventilation system also solves this problem.
Pests and pets
Some of the sources of indoor allergens include cockroaches, pests, and house dust mites. Cultural habits make exposure to varying. In inner cities, mouse and cockroach allergens will need more attention. Sensitization may occur when there is exposure to aeroallergens, leading to the formation of IgE antibodies. The development of allergic airway diseases, asthma, and rhinitis is enhanced with the IgE antibodies. People who are allergic need to stay away from allergens that promote allergic reactions.
Maintaining good indoor air quality is vital for healthy living. When your ventilation is poor, it negatively affects your air quality which may cause some health issues later. Keep a regular dusting schedule. Also, be careful when using products with volatile organic compounds. Finally, ensure that the asbestos levels in your home are 0.1 per fiber cubic meter of air.